Food & Product Photography

My photography group and I went to a beautiful cabin in the Tetons and took photos of food and products for our workshop. There were so many beautiful photos that came out of this excursion.

Something I’ve learned while taking photos of food, product, and anything, in general, is that lighting is everything! Good lighting can bring out some of the best details and bad lighting can bring out some of the worst features or emphasize something that you really don’t want to be emphasized.

All photos (except the Cliff bar and cake photo) used auxiliary lighting.

Product Photography


My favorite is this Gatorade shot. I’ve wanted to do something like this for quite some time and I finally had a chance to do it! I love how the green makes the photo “pop” and how the lighting behind the bottle really brings out the color.



I love how analog clocks tell the past, present, and future all at the same time.




Food Photography

I absolutely love food photography. I am constantly looking for new recipes on Pinterest to try and the one thing that really gets me from looking into one recipe over another is the photo they use, lighting, and composition. Very few people would want to use a recipe where the food looks slimy and unappetizing.

Since I love to bake and cook all the time, I want to eventually get better at taking pictures of my own food in the best lighting possible. With this workshop, I think it will help me to do just that.


This shot was taken outside in natural lighting. I love the berries, branches, and pinecones on the cake – they add such a nice texture to the composition.



Ah, lemon bars – one of the greatest desserts out there! The powdered sugar adds such a nice touch and would make any sweet tooth hungry. I used a wide aperture of f/2.8 for this one.



This photo was taken with a wide aperture of f/1.8.

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